Look around your garden…are there any areas that may need a tidy up? You just might need a spring clean!
Garden beds may have some weeds starting to pop their heads. Pull them while they are young and the roots are shallow. Mulch any bare patches so those pesky weeds don’t even get a chance to establish. I remember someone telling me that mother nature doesn’t like bare patches in the garden and will fill it with a ground covering even if that means weeds! If you are mulching round trees, leave a gap between the trunk and the mulch as you don’t want wet mulch coming into contact with the trunk and having a situation where rot can occur.
Trees and shrubs may also need haircuts, well branch cuts. Any dead branches or foliage should be cut away with a sharp pair of secateurs or saw. If you have fruit trees, prune before they start to blossom. If you feel a bit unconfident with this, jump online and google it or get a book from the library….there’s so much information out there.
If you have paths, top up the gravel or give the pavers a gurney to spruce them up. If the edges are a bit shabby, fix them up. Check out your fences, maybe a paling has come loose and needs to be renailed. If you have a trellis they may need some TLC also. Now can be a great time to do a tip run before the weather gets too hot…..get rid of any broken old bits and pieces lying around. Or if they can be recycled for further use in your garden, pop them in the shed or corner of your garden. We have a corner up the back of our yard that houses all our old chicken wire, poly pipe, pots etc…
And just like you feel great after a big (or few mini) spring house clean, so you will when you do the same for your garden. What’s even better is then having a spring picnic in your lovely spruced up garden and kicking back and enjoying it.